Oral Presentations
Oral presentations should not exceed 20 min. (including 3-5 min. for Q&A).
Presenters do not have to bring their own computer. There will be a Windows based laptop computer provided in the session room. Participants should have their presentations uploaded at least one day before, and latest by 8:00 am on the day of your presentation.
Please name your ppt (or pptx or pdf) file as: <day of your presentation (mon, tue, wed, thu, or fri)>_<Presenting author name>.ppt (or pptx or pdf). For example: Tue_Bressy.ppt
Poster Presentations
Poster Presentation is scheduled for June 21, 2016 from 18:30 pm to 20:30 pm. Conference guests will browse the posters, while enjoying cocktails and appetizers. At registration, you will be provided with instructions on your poster location, as indicated by board number. Fixers will be provided to all poster presenters at the Congress.
Posters must be produced as A0 size in portrait orientation [84.1 cm (width) × 118.9 cm (height) / 33.1 x 46.8 inches].
Hanging time: June, 20 at 17:40 pm.
Removal time: June, 24 at 12:30 pm.
For students and early career researchers
Our sponsors are generously contributing some great prizes for the Best Oral and the Best Poster Presentations! An esteemed panel of judges will be appointed by the committee to ask difficult questions. So more good reasons to give this ICMCF your best shot!